
Giving My "Keys"

If you confirmed with Jesus He had the keys, completely to my life... wouldn't you look at this picture of me and double think all this "trust" stuff?? I sure as heck know I WOULD! Cause whatever the keys are for, is something sad, slow, and dangerous with health and living. But who are we to pick how we want Him to plan our lives? We can pray-and He answers so many, IN HIS WILL. But some just aren't. Or sometimes are, but just temporarily --and that can be discouraging. 
But who are we to plan, who are we to slam our fists and say "NO, this won't happen...." He wants us to be humble, loving, and trusting. In all circumstances-with faith. He wants us to clap our hands and praise Him when well... and when in the at home, in the hospital, ANYWHERE, suffering. Cause we, as sons and daughters of our Lord-we should all know the amazing life we have thru Him now-and the one to come!!! With all He did for us in suffering--and not in a "spoiled" life, but during a very tough life-shows how much endless love He has for us. As He gave His life for us knowing the cost-His body, His life that could have been "fun" but instead was for His Father, for US. How unselfish is that!!!?? Placing all He knew to come, and even totally screw up along their way--but He gave His everything so He could be our SAVIOR. One to reach to always in need-always in tears-in anger and fear-in laughter-most of all----ALWAYS. He is our everything to reach to, cling to, listen to, follow, trust and love always. And when we get off that track, our plans do too. His plans for us-which out-do our plans by everything-are paused, until we look back to Him and get back on His track-GIVE HIM OUR KEYS FOR HIS FULL CONTROL, GUIDANCE---and listen to His answer to our prayers.
His plans outweigh all. So listen for Jesus. Don't listen to others. Open your ears to friends who talk thru His love and guidance, so more will make sense when He gives you His answers!!! Prayer to Him rocks!! And is amazing thru friends who are also tight with Christ. This I know, as I type from Mayo Hospital, flooded with prayers from amazing friends from twitter and Facebook, AZ to PA and all over USA and beyond!!! You all mean so much to me thru Him. I apologize if I have been snappy-- but I hadn't been listening to Jesus closely. Some amazing music by Ed Kowalczyk lifted me off my pity party-had me open my Bible and reach to all of you with such dear prayers. I thank you all...
And Scott Norris ... you know the words you said changed so much of my focus.. God bless you!!
I am re-giving Jesus my Keys to everything--so He, the Head of everything in my life, can show me where we are going!!!! He took my pain and anguish--as He jumped in the drivers seat... WOW!! Praise HIM!
All of you have gifts, and are gifts from Jesus.... God bless you!!!

In His Love,


1 Peter 4:10
God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.

John 16:33
I have told you all this so that you may have peace in Me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."

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