
Twelve Years Still Counting

I am only still counting my years around this earth, because of this team right here. Twelve years ago, without these two, I wouldn't be sitting here typing still. She is my angelic daughter who kept me fighting for more, for life, for us. He is my miracle doc, feels more like family that cares than just any title of doctor. He is my epileptologist, my mentor, my earthly savior, my neurologist who also helped guide me to my brain surgeries, off wrong medications, on right ones- yet listens to my thoughts and feelings on them. Dr. Joseph Francis Drazkowski.... my miracle.
It was 12 years ago I had quite a few overdosings. Just several parked me into the Mayo Hospital to make sure I'd come out of it all ok. This one was following a tonic clonic seizure.... so I had extra phenobarbital to swish down. It was just more frustration in life- OD'ing was my answer.
I was searching for Jesus still at Cornerstone here in Chandler, AZ.... I just hadn't quite connected yet. It was so hard. So my filler of the void was to numb my pain with as much Phenobarbital as I had. A very strong anti-convulsant- first one truly created for anti seizures back in 1912. When I would see my neurologist I would feel so bad- he never made me feel that way- probably why I did. He had such a heart- still does. Kept pushing to fix me- knowing that I wanted to be fixed. I just was really struggling from my ex beating me 2 months after my 1st brain surgery... so he knew to figure out a plan. My July 23rd OD and hospitalization was my 2nd one with Mayo that year- I yet had one huge one to come that changed my life, and my medication.
He always has answers and plans. He and my others neurologist Dr Bert Vargas are quite the team. They have me going in, ironically the same day I went in July 12 years ago... only I am going into the hospital just for 3 hours- to infuse pain medication into my system-3 different types, in hopes that 3 hours of infusion for 3 days will rid this horrific pain I have in my head-two exact spots for 2 months that don't ever go away-and never change spots. Just horrific pain. So praying it subsides. Also having a MRA done- which is a long intense type of MRI- showing in depth pictures of the brain-to make sure I don't have aneurysms, stroke, bleeding, etc.... It is on my "good" side of my head- non surgical side. So we will see what all this does. My neuro, Drazkowski is talking about doing an EEG as well... even though I know humidity is the cause of my seizures- but we will see.
I am in a much better situation than I was 12 years ago. The best husband, daughter, family, and doctor.... all that helped me find Christ that year. Amen.....

Love to you all...

Much Love

Hetty Siebens

1 Corinthians 1:3 May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.

Joshua 1:9
This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go

Family Fun from Hetty Siebens on Vimeo.