
Death Will Not Sting

Poem forms young gentleman that knew he wouldn't make it past 26... Before any health issues, any diagnosis. Dan had an amazing connection with Christ.... I hang onto this knowing illnesses can be for reasons ... Godly strength .... Praise Him!

By Dan Steven before brain cancer diagnosis .... 10 yrs before death here.....

His first major poem...

I want you to dance at my funeral
I want you to celebrate your life
I want you to dance at my funeral
In this you'll remember me
And you'll keep my love alive

Don't you shed your tears for me, baby
I'll be dancing with the angels in the sky
My Jesus, He's gonna save me
My Jesus, He's gonna dry your eyes
So I want you to dance at my funeral
I want you to eat ice cream and read poetry all night
Yah, go ahead and dance at my funeral
In this way you remember me
And you keep my love alive

Death's nothing than a doorway
A doorway home to the light
By HIS GRACE we will be there someday
Until then, keep your torch burning bright
For the sky's gonna fall on us someday
Wash our every memory away. (AMEN!!!!)
All our empty treachery will decay

And LOVE will remain

By.... The late but amazing Dan Steven
Brain Cancer took his life quick.... But all he did for Christ was like living to 100!!

May you be dancing in Heaven Dan!

In His Grip,


Joshua 1:9
"Be strong and courageous. DO NOT be afraid; do NOT be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

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