
Cling or Run

Does everyone see me smiling in this picture? I love that!! Even in pain I can smile. As for it almost feels like I can say, "I am finished." No--- far from finished for all He has planned with me thru Him on this earth- but I am finished with that very LONG, crucial chapter-running to Him, finding Him, struggling thru illnesses, hanging on, finding comfort, obedience, trials, fallings, refocusing, growing, PRAYING, living, focusing, blessings, tears, laughter, questions, answers, loving, guiding, sharing, praising, learning, teaching, learning again-all came to a BIG CLOSING. An understanding one. Me not focusing on just me and my issues-or MY ISSUE. Me, focusing on Christ, and what HE COULD STILL USE ME FOR... even while sick, at home-living for Him. And He saw me more than doing it-daily.
Don't think I am perfect. No one but Jesus is perfect. AMAZING!!!!!!! But, since I learned to truly focus on Him, His will for me, pray about, focus on others-reach to them the way He told me-thru His word... the more I forgot about my issues-and strife. Less seizures I would have-even though, I still had them. And with that obedience-He blessed me with my 3rd-awake brain surgery in February-- THAT WAS SO SUCCESSFUL!!! SO BLESSED!! SO OVERLOOKED BY CHRIST- AND ALL OF YOU!!! And I am ever so grateful!!! I had a couple meltdowns prior. The date kept getting pushed back. Words you'd never think would come from my mouth. Or one morning I -- Heather Siebens, felt sorry for myself!! Go figure, right? Human. But I decided to shake it-and reach out-also to others with epilepsy. And that is when I started @EpilepsyCures and http://epilepsycures.ning.com http://www.causes.com/epilepsycures AND THAT FELT AWESOME!!! Reaching out to those that feel alone-or like there is no answer!! That turned my focus around, again. I thanked Jesus for that!!
I was also one of two who started @worldprayr --- but I am no longer on it, not by choice. Was a blessing when I was part. But, during that time-that was an invite to do-because if you notice-I am a prayer warrior. As for He has seen me thru so much.
Thru everything in life-while finding Him-I didn't cling to anyone other than HIM. Which was a blessing. I was figuring it all out. But then my faith grew-and I found out He will CARRY US AT ALL TIMES- but He is ready to take our "clinging" and turn it into "holding tight" ... then walking tight--then walking like-- more and more Christ like--BUT HE IS ALWAYS THERE TO SPOON US UP. But, He is looking for us to cling, to focus, to walk, to run with Him!!! To HIM!!! Cling may be a start-- but isn't for the whole walk!! That is like being an adult at the bottle to be fed. But clinging to Him-is far better than clinging to human, bottles, pills, or porn etc. He has amazing plans for you-me-us!! He also has growth waiting for you in your walk!
So today, even if you know HIM VERY WELL... if you are going thru something tough, or big questions-- I ask you-- to RUN TO HIM, ask Him your next step!! Don't ask a humans here. HE HAS ALL YOUR ANSWERS!
Love always,
Heather Siebens @AliveinMe
1 Corinthians 3:2 I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. And even now you are not ready, for now you are still of the flesh. For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way?