As we walk with Jesus-complicated is so sweet, so simple, in our love and growth in our relationship with Him.
The love of my cat. So simple, but is sweet also. How did we grow so close-overall was simple, was just me in bed 24/7. The sweet kitty, named Mayo (after my Hospital) didn't realize I was so ill. But loved the fact we bonded so close, ALL THE TIME!!
Same with my daughter. She loves it when I give into a sleepover, just her and I. Simple love. Simple talk. But makes a lot of our relationship.
My husband. Well, he isn't as simple. He wants me all the time!! :) But when we do have awesome time (which is more frequent than a normal couple) we are simple. Him and I. We will tweet humor, love, dedicate songs. Watch movies. Talk. Cuddle. Talk about life today, loving to thank God how far we have come. We have all we really need. Jesus, love, each other, family--faith.
Simple things can sure be made UN-simple-when we focus on all the complicated things. When my husband focuses on how many days until they open my noggin for surgery--- we have to hurry-- have time together. When I focus on how many people I have to get back to, even when not feeling well. Tory focuses on harder parts of school-not the good. And at times focuses on the "what will happen to mom in this brain surgery." Totally human. Her age. But if we could all learn to focus on Him-His plans-His ULTIMATE UNFAILING LOVE-then we could take our focus off all the other little and (big) things, go back to being a simple cat--who loves the owner always. Only be an awesome follower--that doesn't take all the complicated and turn and run. NO... WE--drop everything, pick up our cross, and follow Him. He will guide us down each path. Won't let us blow away in storms. He doesn't want us to complicate everything. He wants us to lay it all out--- HIM, SPOUSE, FAMILY, CHURCH, WORK------> so on. He sees everything we face in the midst of it all--- thru, as we grasp onto Him.
Love HIM like you just are living out the definition LOVE--BIG TIME. Love your spouse as He blessed you, blesses you non-stop. Love that child as His precious gift to YOU!!!! How special to look at him/her and know that!
And I still love that cat. May not understand love like humans... but at least it is obedient to my love-- not anyone else's... I am not God. But at least it slightly shows a way we should be... obedient to one God-- Jesus Christ. Not walk next door to another master/or us to someone with another "god" as for what they have to offer "seems" better. Don't be fooled. Stay obedient--to the only God, Jesus Christ... that is simple. And grow on fire for all to see!!! He will shine thru you!!
I head into Mayo Hospital, Feb 1st--- the first part of my brain surgery (3rd one) that morning. I will shine for Him, in pain or not!! When pain eases- I will be posting!! Love you all so much-such gifts from Jesus!
Blessings--as simple as life really can be. Don't let things get out of control-- except your faith, hope and love for Jesus Christ!!
In His Love,
Heather Siebens @AliveinMe
Proverbs 16:32 Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self-control than to conquer a city.
1 Corinthians 13:13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
1 Peter 1:14 As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance.
1 John 4:16 We know how much God loves us, and we put our trust in His love, and all who live in love-live in God, and God lives in them.
1 comment:
Thank you for such beautifully moving words. I could feel your love and the Love you share with your family and others while reading it.
Tears well in my eyes and cascade down my face, not merely in sadness for your suffering, but in overwhelming JOY that you have found and rejoice in HIS Love within and around you.
May you continue to be so Blessed and continue to share that Blessing with others as you do so now.
- ESA (@JesusSister)
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