

I'm thankful for your hand, thankful your touch
Thankful for my baby girl oh so very much
We as a dear family, as a whole make one
One beautiful family with which the Lord is never done

My brown eyed baby girl came into my life 14 years back
With all that we both went thru you would think I'd lose track
But her smile is so delightful her beauty such a glow
A personality in our home to keep us all a flow !!

Her best friend is like my other child
They both still think I'm young and wild
She's full of life and chipperness and brings us so much grace
She is one I love in our life; both girls' love so easy to embrace

When God placed my hot stud in my life thru very trying times
Somehow he got us thru, hung onto us and made us all shine 
He keeps us together, and our family a whole
Not one thing I'd change about his beautiful soul

I also have my big bro who makes me laugh to no end
We've had our fights and quarrels, all were easy to mend
He cares for me deeply sometimes worries about me so
But I try to remind him his love and laughter keep me ago!

So for all these little people that live within my home~
I love to go to the beach with them or text them on our phones
But I really don't want to share them too much, God gave them to me
I'll share them here and there with friends or one day spouses to be

Except dear hubby you know you are stuck right here
With me my love; I just pray you are always very near!
You bring the best of me out on toughest days of all
Makes me want to spoil you so, buy you gifts at the mall!

You all make my darkest days much brighter than all could
If I could give you millions for love, you all know that I would!
But for now you just have little ol' me who is blessed by each of you
My life has been so blessed; I would be so lost-you all get me thru!

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